Monday, December 5, 2011

Jaimie Ekiert Blog 4

The blackboard article on chapter six, Great Readers Read to Learn, explained a lot of important facts that contribute to young children’s interest and ability to read informational texts. The article began by introducing an educator named Adam and how he approaches informational texts. As I was reading along I noticed that Adam and I have similar styles to reading informational texts. I enjoy informational texts that have to do with animals or the environment, basically any earth or life science texts. Before I begin reading the text I will go through the table of contents, picture walk through the text and ask questions on material I hope to read about. This method enables me to get an idea of the information I am going to find in the text and if it the type that I want to be reading. The article also described how most schools across the country have less science and social studies being integrated into their curriculum. I agree with this statement and I think that it would be great if informational texts on science and social studies were integrated into the reading or writing lesson. This would allow students to practice reading, understanding the text and learn valuable information in other content areas. The article also discusses that students enjoy fictional texts more because they are more familiar with these texts. These texts may be used at home, they are in the classroom and they are easier to follow along with. I agree that it would be beneficial to the students to have non-fiction texts in the classroom and at home to help familiarize students with its format.

I believe students should work with non-fiction texts just as much as they work with fiction texts. Students can learn to the different features of the text and learn how to understand the format of the text. The students will see the differences between fiction and non-fiction texts, and hopefully not run into a problem such as the fourth grade girl Dahlia from the article. Teachers can ask students to pick informational text based off of something they are interested in and come up with focus questions just like Adam did in the article. This gives students a purpose and guides them along the text. I believe this would help students complete the lesson or activity because there is a lot of material used in non-fiction texts. Even for myself I have questions to focus on while reading because there is a lot of material. I like to look at the captions as I read. I also agree with the idea of students highlighting and marking their texts. This allows students to pull out important information or information pertaining to their focuses. All of these concepts will help students recognize the relationships and features in non-fiction texts.

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