Thursday, November 3, 2011

Daniella Fusaro Blog #3

Shared Readings: Modeling Comprehension, Vocabular, Text Structures, and Text Features for Older Readers
-Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Diane Lapp

This study stresses how signficant modeling is in literacy intstruction. I feel that modeling is one of the most important if not the most important aspect by which children learn. As stated by Fisher, Frey and Lapp "modeling is the primary way through which teachers can demonstrate for their students how readers can interact with texts". I have to say that even as a college student I like to see things modeled or written out so that I know exactly what my expectations are for that assignment. Modeling is something that we are always doing whether we are aware of it or not and it has become so much a part of our everyday lives. As a future teacher and now being the classroom I feel that a lot of what we do is surrounded by modeling. I never realized how important it was to learning or to text until now. It is also essential to introduce more than one way or strategy of thinking about texts. Children like and need to have options and teachers have to be able to offer to the different learning styles and multiple intelligences.

The study also states that main focus was on modeling thinking and not asking the students comprehension questions. Once again this is stressing that really thinking about the text is more important than simply remembering certain parts. I am not saying that comprehension is not important because I believe that it is, however just in regards to this article and modeling it does not need to be so stressed.

I enjoyed this article and feel that it had a lot of great information to offer. I would definitely recommend this for future literacy classes because modeling is an essential component of literacy instruction. I liked how it gave an actual study with results about shared reading all of which we now see on a regular basis by being in the classroom. It helps to see it up close and personal and be able to apply these concepts to real life and not just read about them.

1 comment:

  1. Modeling is key for any classroom. In my personal experience in an ELL classroom students need everything modeled so they can understand what is going on in the classroom. Why then is it over looked in a mainstream class? People learn by watching others do and then taking what they saw and applying it to their lives, it is up to the teacher to make sure students understand by modeling what needs to be done. I really liked when Daniella compared it to the college classroom because we as students find it a great deal of help when we know what is expected of us to do in the classroom and for assignments. I also really liked this article because it applies to real life.
