Thursday, November 17, 2011

Daniella Fusaro- Blog #6

Frey, Fisher and Berkin
Chapter 6- Great Readers Read to Learn

Not all children like to read and getting them to read informational texts or non-fiction text is an even bigger challenge. As mentioned in the article it says that teachers should expose their students to these texts from the very first day of school and that 50-60% of what students read should be informational. A great way to do this is with read-alouds and simply sharing with students that informational texts are not boring or contain too much information. On the other hand this is actually the perfect time to share with them because you are there to answer any of their questions that they may have. I will be the first one to admit that I would rather read a fiction book than non-fiction especially at a younger age. It was not until I was older that I enjoyed reading about real life stories and events that took place.

This article provided some very useful information especially on how to involve and engage students with informational texts. I never realized how important they really were until actually reading this article and seeing it used in my Clincial 1 experience. It also discussed using disagrams and charts that go along with text features and just yesterday my class used a flow chart to describe sequence of events. All of these practices come to life so much more and have such a deeper meaning after seeing it up close.

1 comment:

  1. Daniella I agree with your comments about introducing students to informational texts at a younger age. It enables students to understand the differences amongst texts and learn different facts. Reading informational texts also helps them in other content areas. I wish in my Clinical I class students were required to read informational texts of their choice as their independent reading book. Perhaps here students can understand the format of these non-fictions texts and learn information geared towards another content area such as Science or Social Studies that usually is neglected. I also understand that informational texts can be boring to some students, hopefully we as teachers will be able to find topics that strike their interests!
