Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daniella Fusaro- Blog #5

Chapter 5- Story Elements
Frey, Fisher, Berkin

I found this article to be very helpful with understanding the different story elements. As mentioned in the article, "The need for story manifests itself from the beginning of a child's life, because a child needs to organize the wold in order to understand it". This goes to show how vital readig and stories are for children and that we need to begin to introduce stories to children very young. I feel that it is never too early to read to a child or introduce text to them. The younger we start the more familiar children will become and when they get older it will not be so foreign to them.

I felt that this article was informative and useful in understanding all the types of story elements. It was also a great review for me because these are simple elementary school things that we should know and I have to admit that I forget what a hyperbole is half the time. It was nice to have everything all in one article and easy to read. It also gave questions on different aspects such as understanding characters or plot and they were to make sure the students were on target.

These elements of stories are things we think students know and take for granted but we need to go over them every once in a while to make sure all students are on the same page. We cannot forget about them once students know them because when I was in school that is what happened and all through high school no one ever reviewed them. A simple review for 5-10 minutes a day or once a week cannot hurt anyone and will only benefit our students. Overall, I enjoyed this article and thought it was very helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Daniella, I agree with your comment about it is never too early to introduce stories to children. I have seen first hand from my younger cousins and children that I have babysat what a difference it makes to children when they are introduced to books. Unfortunately, not all children have the resources or parents who utilize these resources. I believe that this is where the achievement gap begins where there are students who know what a books is, already started with phonological and print awareness. The students who are not exposed to text do not fare as well as those who are. This article did a great job in explaining the importance of story elements and what they mean to a reader.
